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    Teeth Grinding (Grinding) Treatment

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    Bruxism treatment is a treatment applied in cases where individuals clench, grind or press their teeth together. Individuals with bruxism, i.e. teeth grinding problem, can unconsciously clench their teeth during waking moments. They can also do this during sleep. In general, this is considered a problem related to sleep disorder.

    It is known that snoring or sleep apnea is more common in people who grind their teeth during sleep. If it is mild, it may not require any treatment. However, in some people, this can lead to serious problems and headaches. It can also lead to damage to the teeth. Individuals do not know that they clench their teeth in their sleep unless there is an intense symptom. At this point, bruxism treatment is required.

    What is Bruxism (Teeth Clenching)?

    The problem of bruxism, also known as teeth grinding or teeth clenching, can lead to different situations at progressive levels. Generally, the individual does this while asleep, but some patients also grind and clench their teeth while awake. Problems such as snoring and sleep apnea are much more common in these patients. In addition, problems with teeth may arise over time.

    If bruxism (teeth clenching) is at a mild level, it can heal on its own over time. However, this is very difficult at high levels. Thus, jaw disorders and tooth damage can be seen. In order to recognize the condition, the patient should have regular oral and dental care. It is said to be a very important problem for dental health and bruxism treatment is required.

    What Causes Bruxism?

    The exact cause of bruxism is still unknown. However, it is thought to occur due to psychological and genetic reasons.

    Among the causes of bruxism are the following:

    • Anxiety
    • Stress
    • Anger
    • Disappointment
    • Tension

    Bruxism can occur more frequently, especially during periods when the person feels under pressure. As it can occur for various reasons, bruxism is also associated with the following problems:

    • Parkinson's disease
    • Dementia
    • Reflux disorder
    • Epilepsy
    • Night terror
    • Sleep apnea
    • Attention deficit
    • Hyperactivity disorder

    Symptoms of Bruxism (Teeth Clenching)

    There are many different conditions among the symptoms of bruxism (teeth clenching). In addition, bruxism is divided into two as awake and asleep.

    Symptoms of bruxism that can be caused by different causes and diseases include the following:

    • Sleep disturbance
    • Damage to the inside of the cheek caused by chewing
    • Pain in the jaw, neck and face
    • Headache felt in the temples
    • Pain in the ear
    • Worn tooth enamel
    • Teeth grinding that wakes up one's partner
    • Increased toothache due to constant clenching
    • Tooth sensitivity
    • Tired and contracted jaw muscles

    How is Bruxism (Teeth Clenching) Diagnosed?

    During the examination, it is examined what is present regarding the symptoms of teeth clenching. If symptoms of bruxism are encountered, it is checked again to see what has changed until the next examination. When Fethiye bruxism is diagnosed, the medications used by the patient, daily work, sleep habits are checked. Together with the physical examination, the patient's condition can be revealed.

    Is Bruxism Psychological?

    It is not known exactly why bruxism, which is a teeth grinding problem, occurs and for what reasons. It is thought that the problem of awake bruxism may occur due to psychological reasons such as anxiety, anger, stress and frustration.

    Why Does Teeth Grinding While Eating (Bruxism) Occur?

    Grinding teeth while eating can have a wide variety of causes. It is necessary to undergo a specialist dentist examination. Psychological reasons can cause the problem of bruxism.

    How is Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Treatment?

    There is no need for bruxism treatment in some patients, especially in children. Because mild levels of clenching (bruxism) can sometimes pass spontaneously or the problem can be easily treated.

    However, in some cases, the condition is quite advanced and many symptoms are advanced. In advanced cases, the reasons that cause patients to experience this problem are sought. Once the underlying causes are found, the condition can be brought under control. In addition, some methods are applied to prevent the patient from harming himself/herself. A treatment method suitable for the level of clenching is determined and applied.

    What are the Methods Applied in Bruxism (Teeth Clenching) Treatment?

    Bruxism treatment Many methods are applied in Fethiye. Which treatment method will be applied will become clear after the conversation between the dentist and the patient.

    The methods applied in the treatment of bruxism (tooth clenching) are as follows:

    • Night plate in bruxism treatment: Night plates are prepared individually by taking the tooth size of the person. Night plates that prevent the problem of clenching teeth have features that protect and treat muscle, teeth and jaw joint.
    • Dental botox in the treatment of bruxism: Botulinum toxin obtained from bacteria called Clostridium botulinum is known as botox in the society. Botox, which is used to eliminate many aesthetic and functional problems, is also used safely in the treatment of bruxism. Botox used in the treatment of bruxism temporarily destroys the functions of the muscle in the relevant area. This method is also known as masseter botox. Dental botox application in the treatment of bruxism must be performed by a specialist and experienced dentist.